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Mustika Indah Wardani

Mustika Indah Wardani

Learning & Development Mentor and Career Consultant

Profil Mentor

A professional mentor with high experience as Human Resources Practitioner in Corporation for more than 5 years. She is passionate about helping others grow and unleash their potential, this is the reason why she became a career mentor for the past year. Highly skilled in leadership, public speaking, and remote working. She works as Learning & Development Mentor at Campaign.com and Career Mentor at MyEduSolve. Moreover, she was an experienced speaker for career preparation at several institutions, both online and offline.


Start her career as a Recruitment & Training Staff in one of the manufacturing companies in Sidoarjo in 2011. A year later, she moved to a Multinational Company, one of the biggest Agribusiness Manufacturing in Surabaya. She had worked as a Training Officer for more than 4 years. In 2016, she decided to resign from her job to be more focused on her family. After a career break of more than 5 years, in 2022, she can build her career again to be a freelance associate and a professional mentor, especially in Career Development and Learning & Development.


Coaching/Mentoring, Cooking/Baking, Watching K-Dramas,


Career preparation, Career Shifting, Career Break, Career Planning, Career Development, Individual Development Plan, Parenting, Freelance Job, Remote Work

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